Contact usinquiry
Inquiries are accepted by e-mail.
We will confirm the contents you sent and reply to you.
If there is no response even after several days, it is possible that the e-mail has not been sent due to server trouble etc. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
In addition, if you are in a hurry, please contact us directly by phone to the following contact information within the PRIVACY POLICY.
Questions and Consultations Regarding Products
Acquisition of Personal Information and Purpose of Use
Moswell Co., Ltd. will use the acquired personal information for the following purposes.
The purpose of use of personal information acquired from the inquiry form is as follows.
- To confirm the contents of inquiries when making inquiries to the Company and to respond to inquiries.
- To introduce, propose, and provide various products and services provided by the Company.
- To provide information on the holding of events hosted and exhibited by the Company and to operate them.
Consignment and provision
The Company will not provide or entrust information that can identify an individual (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.) to a third party beyond the scope of the purpose of acquisition without the consent of the individual, except in cases stipulated by law.
Disclosure, correction, and deletion of information
For disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information held by the Company from the person himself/herself, please contact the personal information inquiry desk below.
We will respond through the procedures prescribed by our company.
Inquiries about personal information
For inquiries regarding the management of personal information and requests for disclosure, correction or deletion, etc., please contact the following.
We will respond through the procedures prescribed by our company.
Reception hours: 10:00 a.m. ~6:00 p.m.